Parliamentary Leadership

Friday, 7 September 2012


Distinguished President of the Republic of Macedonia,
Distinguished Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, 
Distinguished Members of the first composition of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, 
Distinguished colleagues - Members of Parliaments, Honorable Ministers, Representatives of the Religious Communities, 
Your Excellences, 
Ladies and Gentlemen,  

The Referendum of 8th September 1991, when over 95% of the citizens voted in favour of establishing sovereign and independent Macedonia, is our greatest modern victory. The referendum confirmed the idea, the aspirations and determination of all previous generations embedded in the two Ilindens - the creation of a sovereign and independent Republic of Macedonia as the state of the Macedonian people and all its citizens. 

 At the beginning of the third decade from the historic referendum, we can state that the Balkan ordeals are over. The Region has definitely changed. The way people think has changed, the old matrices are history and a new paradigm of trust and cooperation is slowly being built. The Balkan frustrations are being substituted with new policies; we practically have a contest for greater competitiveness, better quality of life, integration and better positioning in Europe and the world. The global economic crisis affecting the region and our country will be surmounted and the day will come when the efforts of the countries and governments that, in spite of everything, have invested and are continuing to invest their energy and commitment in the reforms and progress of their nation, will be recognized and suitably rewarded.  

Distinguished friends, 

The most significant victories are those that result in greater trust and respect among people, victories achieved in peace, victories in the field of the economy, science, education, culture, sport. Victories are the spiritual and material values that are the work of creative people. Victory is when we introduce higher standards and when we make reforms, primarily for our benefit. A great victory is the membership in NATO and the European Union - the European family. Still, at the heart of every victory is the unity; and speaking of the national interests, there is only one party that does not recognize divisions and self-centred interests - MACEDONIA! During these years we faced many challenges and we should be proud of the results we achieved and of what we are today. As a multiethnic, multicultural and muticonfessional society, we have created conditions for full equality of all the ethnic communities in preservation of their national, cultural and linguistic identity. I believe that today, we all- Macedonians, Albanians, Roma, Turks, Vlachs, Bosniaks, feel the Republic of Macedonia as our motherland. 

Distinguished friends,

Despite all the blockade, the Republic of Macedonia is actively continuing to be a factor of stability and constructiveness in the Region. We continue with the negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations, as well as with the necessary reforms and harmonization with the European laws and standards here in the legislative house. 

Ladies and gentlemen,  

Allow me to congratulate the 8th September to you and to all the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. 

Happy and eternal Independence Day - 8th September.  


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