
Thursday, 2 August 2012, Pelince


Distinguished citizens of the Republic of Macedonia,
Distinguished fighters, participants in the Anti-fascist fight, 
Followers and admirers of the grand deeds of the Ilinden fighters,
Distinguished Members of the Assembly,
Members of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia,
Former President of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Branko Crvenkovski,
Your Excellences,
Representatives of the Macedonian Orthodox Church and other religious communities,
Distinguished guests, 
Dear friends, 

Ilinden is an unstoppable energy.
Ilinden is a symbol of the self-sacrifice for our motherland and a moving code of Macedonia.
Ilinden is the feast of the revolutionary wakening of the Macedonian nation.
It is a step to the ideal for freedom, a moment when the dreamers fulfill their dream.
When the small and occupied nation with a big heart, received something other nations dream of and still fight for.
Ilinden is the moment when the citizens of Macedonia decide to raise their voice for their state. With pride. With dignity.
Honestly and pugnaciously It is the light in the historic sea of events when we have taken what belongs to us.
Finally we had a state we could call our own!
Firmly taking the right of self-determination just like any other freethinking nation


It is being said that great deeds require great energy, strong potential, unity, fanatic self sacrifice and sincere will to reach the goal. 
Ilinden is such a great deed,
This is the day that carries the centuries’ long sacrifice of thousands suffering suns and daughters of Macedonia. 
The heroes of our Ilindens are our heroes, bearing the righteous fight for freedom.
One must bow before their deeds. 
One, who loves the motherland, must respect the heroic act of the two Ilindens.
That is why today, with admiration and deep respect, we bow with deep honor before Hristo Tatarchev, Goce Delchev, Gjorche Petrov, Nikola Karev, Jane Sandanski, Damjan Gruev, Pitu Guli… We bow before the thousands known and unknown giants gifting Ilinden its eternity. 

Dear friends,
This is not a day of celebration alone.
Ilinden is a deep tradition and our people celebrate the Ilinden Uprising for the past 109 years.
It is a permanent value.
The Ilinden Upraise fulfilled its historic task. 
Even though the Uprising activities did not fully liberate the Macedonian land, on the 2ndAugust 1903, the Macedonian national sprit was liberated.
Our determination, dedication, even at the cost of life to have freedom was put on the highest pedestal of honor. 
This perfection and this love of freedom must be respected. 
This Ilinden is successful because it lasts.
What has started in 1903 was finalized in 1944.
The grand and timeless ASNOM was held in the Monastery “St. Father Prohor Pcinjski” on 2nd August 1944.
These are the two dates establishing the foundations of the Macedonian state, fulfilling the dreams of many generations. The centuries old tendency for sovereign state of the Macedonian nation, its national, cultural and lingual independence, but also, a state for all citizens regardless of their religion and nationality became a reality.
The heroes of the National Liberation Struggle continued the deeds of the Ilinden fighters.
Following the goal, the sacrifice and the dedication. 
The holy Ilinden idea guided the partisan of the second Macedonian Ilinden to the peaks of the success.
When the foundations of the Macedonian statehood were established and the right of uniqueness, on the basis of self- determination was concluded.
And that is why the glory of our heroes of the partisan movement is worthy, heroes like Metodija Andonov Chento and Panko Brashnarov, Kosta Solev Racin and Kuzman Josifovski Pitu, Strasho Pindzur and Mirche Acev. 
Glory and worship to the thousands known and unknown partisans who fought bravely for national freedom against the strongest army from that time, the Hitler’s armada and its allies. With the antifascist fight and the decisions from ASNOM the Macedonian nation was reckoned among the group of nations that overpowered the biggest evil of the past century, fascism. 
Today, the words of Racin are still strong “the most important is that this country was named Macedonia and that this barehanded nation fights for its freedom”. 


For centuries, our ancestors preserved and transferred the spirit from generation to generation. 
We must not leave our heirs a land and nation rootless and deprived of individuality. 
A rootless tree is destined to die. 
These particular moments and bright dates are time when we should ask our selves what was the motive of the numerous heroes who gave their lives before the altar of free and independent Macedonia.
The material was nothing for them. 
They were guided by the ideas and the endless wish for human freedom and justice for their nation in their Motherland.
That is why their names are written in bright letters over the bloody and difficult history, like the flag of freedom carried with centuries.
In the spirit of Krushevo Manifest and the documents of ASNOM, the decision and the declaration clearly define the general and special human rights and freedoms, clearly define the multiethnic, multicultural and muticonfessional character of our state. In this manner the Macedonian nation, similar to 1903, confirmed its cosmopolitan spirit and its opens, tolerance and respect towards the other, the different. We have confirmed this value in 1991 and in the Constitution of today’s Republic of Macedonia.
ASNOM founded the contemporary state, based on democratic principles and values.
Today, these foundations are barriers of the European Macedonia, which confirm the fact that the Fathers of our state had a vision to create a Republic, a modern one, then and now- in United Europe.
It was not accidental to schedule ASNOM on this great day, dedicated on Saint Ilija.
On this day, the seed planted by the Ilinden fighters and all other revolutionaries before them was harvested.
On this day the Macedonian dream came true, the nation that enlightened half of Europe, saw the light of the free sun.
Since this day 68 years ago, there has been a feeling of pride to belong to a nation of bright and famous history. 
This feeling was not declined by the expulsions, the propaganda, the disasters or by the directives. 
The dream became reality. 
The dream persisted as the  Ilinden and ASNOM ideal, through the 8th September 1991, until today, and I am convinced that it will prevail forever.
The freedom is not a privilege to enjoy.
The freedom must be conquered again and again.
The freedom is not only an aspect of the human life, such as the richness or the poorness, the peace or the war, health or sickness.
The freedom is the core of life. 


Macedonia is faced with constant fight for conquering freedom.
Today this fight is led for prosperity, for development, for higher standard and better life.
Our task as generation is to take this fight without compromises, and the past demonstrated that the Macedonian nation and citizens have always managed to be the winners.
Macedonia has always been on the right side.
We do not have black stains.
Our ancestors did not left us a past, of which we should be ashamed or hide, and that is why we should celebrate it.
There are no smaller or bigger heroes.
Everyone fighting for the freedom of Macedonia is equally big as the one sharing the idea.
The years behind us are the confirmation, as well as strong guaranty that we are progressing, that we are boldly walking the path of success, that we are doing what we know best- work for our country, for the prosperity of our families, for the bright future of our children.
One must get a chance to make a good deed.
One needs sensibility and open support to act. 
One needs trust to build. 
One needs an example to follow.
All this is contained in these two Ilindens.
The House of Macedonia is built.
Our holiest obligation is to preserve it.
This requires unity more than ever. 
I call upon us to leave the difference behind.
To be united about the progress. 
To give our hand in making more and better.
To stand together under the flag of free and prosperous Macedonia.
 Together, as our fathers, grandfathers did, and to continue building Macedonia in a successful, eternal tale, in which the democracy and the welfare are part of our lives  that are being constantly developed.
Let us be the example.
 The responsibility to develop Macedonia is bigger than any existing or separating difference.
Macedonia, as a state of every citizen- Macedonian, Albanian, Turk, Vlach, Serbian, Bosnian- we as politicians, as Assembly, as representatives of the people are obliged before them all.
As President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, I make sincere efforts for these principles, since I am aware that the credit for what has been done will inevitably come sooner or later.
In time we shall surpass all challenges.
We will be faced with many problems and temptations, but in the end, the save face, the persistence to principles and the honesty remain. One can not live without. 
The progress is our target! Though, regardless of our will and dedication, it can be obstructed by irrational issues. 
But the arguments are stronger than force. Justice defeats irrationality- this was proved by the verdict of the Court in Hague, on the name dispute with neighboring Republic of Greece.
The good neighborly relations and the spirit of cooperation have no alternatives. The Republic of Macedonia is always dedicated on developing relations of cooperation in all areas. This is a principle that must be respected. In this manner alone, we can jointly build stabile and prosperous region and in the same time economic, cultural and other progress for each state.

Dear friends,

The great statesman, Winston Churchill said: “the truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is”
That is why from here, from Pelince, we can say: 
Our identity is our existence, the root of life. 
Our language makes us different from others.  
Strong and united we shall continue to do more since there is not alternative path. 
Today, our task is to take Macedonia in NATO and EU. 
Unity is the way. 
That is right- today I would like to underline that- without unity there is no progress. 
Ilinden is the fight for freedom. 
Today we are leading the fight for progress. 
Ilinden is the sacrifice for the state. 
Today we should sacrifice for the future. 
United and concurred. 
With strong love for our country. 
With patriotism. 
With strong values. 
For us. 
For our ancestors. 
For our children. 
For Macedonia! 

Long live Macedonia! 
God bless Macedonia! 


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