Parliamentary Leadership

Friday, 27 April 2018  

Joint Press Conference of the President Xhaferi and the Prime Minister Zaev  

Today, 1 year since 27 April 2017 is marked, the day when a violent entrance and physical endangering of the people inside the Legislative House happened.  

On this occasion, a joint press conference of the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Mr. Zoran Zaev was held in the Assembly, attended by many who were present at the events of 27 April 2017.   

Though the emotions were overwhelming, since many of the attendees entered this Hall for the first time after the events, everything was in order.  

The first to take the floor was the President Xhaferi who said that today, unlike the violent entrance in the premises, one year since the events, the doors of the Legislative House are widely opened for all benevolent citizens, who are to remind us of our duty, that is that we are all elected by the people, and our obligation is to work for the people. 

The President Xhaferi said that, he has one remark for those who did not execute their task properly that day– never to have this night repeated, and he as a President of the Assembly shall assure this to be a reality.  

At the end of the address, the President of the Assembly expressed appreciation to all those who preserved their composure, calmness and protected the pillar of the democracy.  

The Prime Minister, Mr. Zaev, looking back to the violent events, said that the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia stopped and pulled down a regime using a pen, on free elections, freely expressing their will. He called for action, inclusion of all, through their strength and creativity, ideas and efforts for building joint Macedonia, as state of all citizens, Member of NATO and EU, a state of equal opportunities for all its citizens. 


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