Parliamentary Leadership

Tuesday, 5 November 2019 


The President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi had a meeting with the President of the European Parliament, Mr. David Maria Sassoli, who, after taking office, made his first visit outside the European Union to the Republic of North Macedonia.

President Xhaferi expressed his gratitude to Mr. Sassoli for the letter which he and all the EU highest officials sent ahead of the European Council meeting, demanding that a date be given to North Macedonia and Albania while emphasizing that the decision would be a test of the Union's ability to keep the promises and look to the future.


President Xhaferi also thanked for the support of the European Parliament which came in the form of a Resolution on Opening accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia, which emphasizes that the decision at the last summit was a strategic mistake, damaging the credibility of the EU and sending a negative signal to candidate countries regarding good neighbourly relations, and that it opens the door to other influences in the region.

He noted that there was great disappointment with the European Council's decision since we justly expected recognition for the reforms implemented and for the country's serious political decisions taken to meet EU recommendations. If the reason for not getting a date for negotiations is the need to establish a new methodology for accession negotiations that will make the process more efficient, it is acceptable to us, but joining the process in a form of a privileged partnership or placing the country in the EU neighborhood category, is not acceptable, President Xhaferi stressed.

The President of the European Parliament, Sassoli noted that the disappointment of the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia was also a disappointment for the vast majority of EU member states, who are convinced that the country is ready to start the accession process. He emphasized that this was a standstill because the European Council did not say "no" but delayed the decision, that is, instead of a historical mistake, we are talking about a historic standstill. Sassoli noted that one opportunity was lost, but everything would be done to create a new opportunity. According to him, it is important to understand the remarks made by individual countries and work to overcome them. The President of the European Parliament expressed confidence that the issue of opening negotiations with the Republic of North Macedonia could be put on the agenda again, given the support of many member states, as well as the undivided position of the European institutions, but that in the meantime the state should continue with the reforms. 

In the end, he stressed that he sees the future of the state in the common European family.


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