The Inter-Community Relations Committee is a standing body of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. Its legal position and authority derive from the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, or more precisely from the Amendment XII. Pursuant to this amendment, the Committee is being elected by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and consists of seven MPs from among the Albanian and Macedonian community each, and one MP from the Turkish, Vlach, Roma, Serbian and Bosnian ethnic communities. If there is no representative from some of the communities, then the Ombudsman in consultation with the relevant representatives from those communities proposes other members in the Committee.

Based on the above-mentioned constitutional amendment, in year 2002 a Decision was adopted for Setting Up an Inter-Community Relations Committee, and in year 2007 the Law on Inter-Community Relations Committee (`Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia` No.150 of 12.12.2007).

The basic competence of the Committee include examining the issues relating to the inter-community relations and giving proposals for their solution.

The Assembly is obliged to consider the opinions and proposals of the Committee and make relevant decisions. Relevant for the competence and obligations of the Committee (for more information see the attached law) is the X Constitutional Amendment replacing Article 69 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, which regulates the voting procedure, i.e. introduces the popular `Badinter Principle` in the adoption of laws that directly concern the rights of national communities. The law clearly indicates the laws to which the principle applies, and regulates the `Badinter Rule` and the voting procedure.

With its work so far, the Inter-Community Relations Committee has established itself as a body with an important role and responsibility in the implementation of the general and special right of the members of the national communities. In that way, it has played a vital role and provided significant contribution in the development of the multicultural and multi-ethnic dimension of the Macedonian society, true harmony among all citizens, thus strengthening the overall parliamentary democracy in the Republic of Macedonia. 

          Law on Inter-Community Relations Committee

Chairperson: DZEVAT ADEMI

Deputy chairperson: KENAN HASIPI

                    ALEKSANDAR SPASENOVSKI
                    ANETA STEFANOVSKA
                    KATERINA DIMESKA
                    NIKOLA KURKCIEV
                    MENDE DINEVSKI 
                    TEUTA ARIFI 
                    RAFIS ALJITI
                    DZEMAILJ JASHARI
                    AMDI BAJRAM 
                    IVAN STOILKOVIK
                    AVDIJA PEPIK
                    IMER ALIU
                    BESIM DOGANI  
                    IMER SELMANI
