Parliamentary Leadership

Monday, 24 October 2011

address of the President of the Assembly of theRepublic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski, on the occasion of 23 October-the Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Fight

Esteemed attendees, 
Esteemed co- citizens, 

Allow me to express my pleasure from the opportunity, as a President of the Assembly, to address you, and to congratulate you this great holiday. 

23rd October is not an ordinary day! 
On this date, in 1893, the Organization which would change the flow of the Macedonian history was established. 
Today, we are celebrating the establishment of the famous VMRO (Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization)! 
Today, we commemorate the efforts of the fathers of the Organization who, strongly believing in the achievability of freedom, decided to take matters in their own hands and provide the Macedonian independence and dignity through personal sacrifice.

This is why, the 23rd October is a day which should be appropriately marked- today and always, by us and all future generations! 
Paying our respect to this grand Organization, meritorious for our existence and preservation of the Macedonian identity is our duty and honor! 

Today we remind ourselves of the path of our ancestors, path for freedom, rights and equality with other nations. 

On this day, we remind ourselves that a dream can come true if you strongly believe! 

This is why, it is important not to forget that the establishment of VMRO is, perhaps, the most important moment in Macedonian history! 
Establishing the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization is a turning point in our existence! 

The vision of the people who founded VMRO is reflected in their achievement, and the peak of these successes is the independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia! 

VMRO, not only provided our existence today, but also succeeded to prevent overall erasing of a nation and a civilization, danger which seriously threatened the Republic of Macedonia only a century ago. 

VMRO influenced many young and educated minds, to join the fight for independence of the Motherland, and to contribute in the preservation of our words, our collective Macedonian consciousness and our sense of belonging to Macedonia! 

Although the revolutions in Macedonia did not start with VMRO, still, VMRO gave the Macedonian fight for independence a new character!
That is organized fight, firm hierarchy and a clear goal. 

The Founders of VMRO, understanding that freedom is something one continuously fights and plans for, decided that gaining the independence of Macedonia required organized actions contributing for the achievement of the desired goal- independent Macedonia! 
Thus, gradually, the Organization is being established which will exist not only until the following uprising. 

Becoming an Organization which has bigger and higher goal- creating a stable, permanent and strong liberation movement, which can operate for a long period, until the national victory. 

Another important mark of VMRO is its position on the external interferences in the fight for Macedonian independence. The decision, limiting the role of the neighboring countries in the Macedonian issues, undoubtedly singles out Macedonia and Macedonians as a special entity with special features. This approach additionally strengthens the Macedonian position that although we wish good relations with all people, we shall not allow others aspirations to move and guide the future of Macedonia.

Unfortunately, these problems burden us even today!

But, the founders of VMRO left us a very important message which stands true even one century later- do not wait on someone else to solve your problems!

 The solution lies in us!

The solution is a product of our labor, of our determination and our persistence in intentions.

Guided by this premise, we have invested a lot in the development of Macedonia.

We knew that if Macedonia is strong and stabile, its future will be safe!

The only way to achieve this is through continuous investment in the country!

This approach proved to be right.

The effects of the steps taken for improvement of the living standards, economy, justice, security and many other areas surpass the expectations.

Primarily, the focus was on the economic development, since we knew that its improvement will change the life in Macedonia. 

We were not wrong! 

The affirmation of this is the rank of our state by the World Bank as a 3rd reformer in the world.

The transfer of our tradition as a good host, which is embedded in our culture, to the world of economy proved to be right!

Beside the economy, we focus a significant part of our available resources towards the improvement of justice, judiciary, the fight against corruption and organized crime.

We are aware that, in addition to the economic stability, another most important issue for every Macedonian is the security and the rule of law. Considering that these two areas are closely connected and inter-dependable, we impose great efforts to make as big progress as possible within shorter period of time.

I believe that we have succeeded. 

The stabilization of the economy and improvement of the rule of law provide us to pay greater attention to many other areas, which were neglected for long time.

The proof of this is the intensive development of the culture, which was not present in the 20 years of history of Macedonia. 

The culture is the mark of the nation.

The culture emphasizes the values of our nation which are being created and cherished through the millennia. 

The cultural heritage, along with the history, is the bearer of the national spirit and of everything that means being Macedonian. 

Our culture and tradition themselves, determine us and make us what we are, and at the same time approach us to other European nations, with whom we share similar values.

Beside the investments in the culture, we intensively invest in the development of the education system.

There is no better way to thank our country, than to invest in ourselves. 

Educated people manage the world, succeed in medicine, in science, develop economy and contribute in the general improvement and facilitation of the lives of people. 

Our goal should be, the children to surpass the success of their parent and to continue the tendency of development initiated by the founders of VMRO! 

Ladies and gentlemen, 

The Establishment of VMRO is a historic act, which has key influence over the national awakening of the Macedonians for creating their own state.

Later, the rebellions and the uprisings, including the national liberation fight during the World War II are founded on the ideas of VMRO and are organized by the members of the Organization. 

Because of the misuse and distortion of the ideas of participants in World War II by the new communist governance, the members of VMRO, actively fighting and lobbying in the world centers, making efforts for the establishment of the democratic governance and market economy in the, unfortunately, already established Macedonian socialist state, were being haunted, imprisoned and killed by the governance. 

Finally, guided by the ideas of VMRO, on the eve of the dissolution of SFRY, part of the Macedonian citizens, resurrected the idea for independent Macedonia, which, on the referendum on 8th September 1991 became a reality!

Celebration of 23rd October is necessary because this is the best way for the state to show appreciation to all the members of VMRO, from 1893 to 1990, who were murdered, followed or imprisoned in St. Grigur, Goli Otok or Idrizovo. 

Dear friends, 

Success brings success! 

I believe that the famous Komiti, establishers and members of the great VMRO would be proud of the future of Macedonia and the future of all of us living here today.

Many sacrificed everything for this nation and this country to finally take their position as equals among the nations and the states in the world.

This responsibility and their actions inspired us to continue and to promote their deeds. 

Because of this, and much more, we remember today, the deeds of the founders of VMRO, since there is nothing more important than passing the torch to the next generation of Macedonians! 

Glory and respect to all fighters for independent Macedonia! 

Let the Day of Macedonian Revolutionary Fight be celebrated for all eternity.

May all of you be blessed, may God bless the Republic of Macedonia!

Thank you. 


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