
Monday, 17 November 2014 


Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, 
Colleagues MPs, 
Distinguished guests representatives of the Parliaments from the Region, 
Distinguished Ministers and other Representatives of the governmental institutions, 
Representatives of the NGO Sector,  
Dear friends,  

As President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, I would like to express appreciation to the Committee on European Affairs and to the other Committees for organizing this Public Debate “IPA 2 (2014 – 2020) – Perspectives and Opportunities for Usage”. 

Namely, I comprehend today’s Public Debate as continuity, but also a kind of achievement and of everything that was contained in the Report of the European Commission, both commands and remarks. I would like to once again underline that the Republic of Macedonia received its 6th recommendation for opening accession negotiation with the European Union.  

The fact that today’s Public Debate includes representatives of the National Parliaments from the Region demonstrates that we, as Parliament, but also as state clearly manifest our responsibility and our contribution for achievement of the European perspective of the Region.

In the same time, the participation of the colleagues from other National Parliaments from the Region, clearly demonstrates our determination for integration in the European Union to the European public and the European institutions. Here, I am not only referring to a kind of declarative determination, but that all of us in the Region share the European principles and values, among which is the regional cooperation on all levels. This is especially important if we take into consideration that the European Union started a new mandate and in my opinion it is very important, at the very beginning, as a region and as individual states to demonstrate and prove our commitment for further realization of the integration processes. Unfortunately, the Republic of Macedonia is blocked due to the well known imposed issue from our Southern neighbour, which is contrary not only to the recommendations of the European Union, but also to the fundamental European values and standards which united Europe is founded on. But, this is a topic for another discussion, and we, as Parliament and as Government continue the needed reforms, since the reforms, above all, benefit the citizens.


I believe that we all welcome the fact that IPA 2 Funds provides the Republic of Macedonia 664.2 million Euros, which is more that IPA 1. Also, I would like to extend appreciation to the Office of the European Union and to the Ambassador Aivo Orav, for their contribution. In the same time, this increases our responsibility to use these finances to maximum degree and above all to achieve our strategic goal, full-fledged membership in the European Union. 

I have underlined on several occasions, at the bilateral meetings with my colleagues from the Member States of the European Union, as well as at multilateral meetings, that the Republic of Macedonia wants to be Member State of the European Union, being competitive with other Member states. I refer here to the functional and efficient state administration, professional and independent judiciary, quality education system, developed reproving and responsible civil society, up to the competitiveness of our economic entities. 

Considering that IPA 2 Program introduces new approach in using the funds, I hope that the Government, Ministries and other institutions, including the Assembly, will promptly adopt and adapt this new approach to IPA funds. In this manner, having more finances, it is our responsibility to use them as much as we can. I personally expect increase of the percentage of usage of these funds in the agriculture, education and other areas. Certainly, in this framework, I would like to once again underline the regional cooperation, especially when great infrastructure projects are in questions. 

The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia demonstrated that it knows and can assist in the realization of IPA program. As Parliament, through the legislative and reform process, we will continue to create conditions for more efficient usage of the IPA 2 funds. In the same time with the strengthening of the oversight function over the executive governance, we will not only monitor the usage of these funds, but also signal, and if needed warn how and where IPA funds are used.

Hence, I expect this particular Public Debate to demonstrate this and I hope that we will benefit from the experience of guests from other national parliaments as well. 

Finally, allow me, to wish you successful work and to wish our guests pleasant stay. 

Thank you.  


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