In Vienna, in 1977, upon a proposal of the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliamentary Assemblies, the European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation ( was established.

ECPRD is network for professional cooperation between the parliamentary staff for all issues of the parliamentary activities. 

Aims of ECPRD 

  • Promote the exchange of information, ideas, experience and good practice among the administrations of parliaments in Europe;
  • Strengthen close co-operation among parliamentary services in all fields of parliamentary administration, legislation, information, research and documentation;
  • Collect, exchange and publicise studies produced by parliamentary services


The ECPRDs members are: the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and parliamentary chambers where the President is a member of the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament.

A parliament possessing special guest or observer status with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe may participate in the different activities of the ECPRD but may not vote in its bodies.

Areas of interest 

Areas of interest for exchange of information and knowledge of ECPRD are as follows: 

  • ICT and Communication Technologies in the Parliaments 
  • Parliamentary Practices and Procedures  
  • Parliamentary Libraries, Research and Archives
  • Economy and Budget Issues 

Structure of ECPRD 

  • Meeting of Secretary generals;
  • Correspondents Conference;
  • Executive Committee;
  • Co-directors 

ECPRD Seminar, 8-9 May 2014, Skopje 
